

on ornamental fish breeding and business for Farmers, Entrepreneurs & Start-ups
  • KAVIL offer Introductory level trainings and advanced training, as well as offline and online trainings by national and international experts.
  • Trainings to start ups and entrepreneurs will be on paid basis.
  • The proposed programme intends to give training on breeding quality ornamental fish which will contribute to quality fish production, capacity building of fish farmers and elevate their livelihood.
  • The advanced level training on scientific way of large-scale production of ornamental fishes will enable youth and start-ups towards entrepreneurship development leading to a profitable ornamental fish business
  • Training Modules will include both theory and practical hands on trainings on various aspects of ornamental fish breeding, bio secure infrastructure facilities setting, aquarium tank construction, quarantine, brood stock maintenance, types of feed, feed preparation and feeding, water quality, aquatic animal health management, packaging and transportation, business /financial plans, export documentations- marine-life support systems -import- marketing- business plan- survival rate and mortality. including field level exposure visit.